Knitting Machines galore since one is never enough, photo tutorials, and knits gone wild

Juan the Knitter rocks in TLC’s Ashley Paige Bikini or Bust

Thank goodness for Juan the Knitter. Finally fifteen minutes of fame for machine knitting.

The show, Ashley Paige Bikini or Bust, follows a high end Hollywood bikini knitwear designer throughout her day. To say she is a frazzled business woman would be generous. I wish her design approach and actual production process were highlighted. Instead, the viewer must agonizingly trudge through her dysfunctional life to catch glimpses of what makes her business work.

Come on, she can’t make her payroll and she is $5,000 in debt to her vet. So her solution is a bikini doggy-wash fundraiser? Give me a break. Only in Hollywood could such a scripted reality show exist.

Catch Juan in action at the beginning of this clip.


Ashley’s designs grace the beginning of this piece.


If Juan doesn’t get more knitting air time, I’ll probably bail on the show.

For those with a quick eye, what type of machine do you think Juan is using? It is not very clear in the above clip, but on the show I’ve narrowed my guess to a Brother standard gauge because of the lace carriage rails. I wasn’t fast enough to see if it was electronic or punchcard.

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July 29, 2008

1 comment

1 LA Pretty » Ashley Paige for Target is a downer { 04.06.09 at 6:33 pm }

[…] Although, $29.99 vs. $250 for a bikini is significant difference. Besides, it’s all about the Power of Juan anyways. Below are pics of brighter hues that I wished we would’ve […]















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