Knitting Machines galore since one is never enough, photo tutorials, and knits gone wild

Merry Christmas and Happy Mommy Freedom Day

vintage antique woodcut clip art of santa claus kris kringle merry christmas happy holidays

And Happy New Year.

As I dash full steam with last minute to-dos, what gives me hope is if Christmas is only four days away, then December 26th is a gleeful five.

Why is this such good news? Because I’ve declared December 26th Mommy Freedom Day.

From the start of school in September, through Halloween, to Christmas, I’m on a perpetual treadmill to insure the holiday happiness of at least three other people. For unknown reasons, Easter through the 4th of July doesn’t phase me. The fall holidays and events do.

To celebrate my return to adult normalcy on MFD, I’m going to do as little as possible as slowly as I humanly can. For 24 blissful hours I’m not wrapping anything, I’m not answering homework questions, and I’m not responding to any request that begins with "Mommy?". If necessary, I’ll wear industrial strength headphones to preserve the solitude of the day.

So consider this fair warning. If you live in my house and you can’t legally vote, think long and hard before knocking on my office door on the 26th. I’ll be knitting world peace one stitch at a time.


See you in January. It will take until then to regain my sanity.

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