Knitting Machines galore since one is never enough, photo tutorials, and knits gone wild

Happy Thanksgiving

In our house, Bill usually cooks and I thankfully do any household task as far away from the kitchen as possible. I’m perfectly capable of feeding myself and the children. I choose not to whenever possible.

Thanksgiving clip art of pilgrim and cooked turkeyI’d much rather weed the yard than cook a bird. I can spend a few hours yanking unwanted greenery and the garden stays nice for a month.

With cooking, it can take me awhile to think of what to eat, make sure we have everything so it can be eaten, prepare it, and then face mucking up the leftover mess.

And like clockwork, everyone just gets hungry again in a few hours.

I’ll take the claw tool in a heartbeat. Since the kids will gladly clean the kitchen rather than go anywhere near a hoe, I’ve got it good.

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November 23, 2006















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