Knitting Machines galore since one is never enough, photo tutorials, and knits gone wild

The Night Of 83 Cones Of Yarn

boy vanquishes yarn from room

Once upon a time, there was a boy who was sleeping. His mother had stuffed 83 cones of yarn under his bed, but he did not know. He especially did not know what was going to happen.

The yarn came out from under his bed, creeping closer and closer. The boy woke up and screamed. Then he yelled, “What are you going to do?!”

The yarn yelled, “Dance! If you don’t dance, we will turn you into a little girl that will never stop knitting!”

The yarn and the boy danced until midnight.

The boy is super smart though, and an amazing dancer. So he told them to dance a certain dance and the last step was the boy kicking the cones down the stairs.

The end.


For Christmas, the kids gave me artwork and and an entry for the blog. The son wrote the story above and took the very cool black and white self portrait. The daughter made several pencil drawings for me to experiment with as banner graphics on my main blog page. I am totally stoked.

Yes, I admit it, before I made a corner for myself in the basement, I stuffed 83 cones of yarn under his bed. But in my defense, it is a full size bed with tons of storage and he was only four when the cones arrived. They were gone by the time he was eight.

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January 4, 2007















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